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About Me

My journey to becoming a writer began with some upper level history classes in college. What used to be the most boring subject EVER was suddenly my passion, thanks to some great professors. My first books via traditional publishing were non-fiction, being the big ol' Research Nerd that I am. Most are still available on Amazon. I enjoyed publishing books that would end up on school library shelves with my name on the spine. I spent many happy hours in the school library when I was a kid, so I had a little sentimental attachment there.

mi gatito

Recently I have turned my attention to fiction. I have a middle grade historical fiction and a YA action trilogy available. My latest is historical fiction for adult readers. See the My Books page for more details. I can still research to my heart's content. I just don't have to include footnotes and bibliographies anymore!

All this excitement happens in a small town in Central Texas, where I live with the hubs and our cat, Fauci. When I'm not parked in front of a glass screen, I'm usually reading, or practicing Spanish, or bragging up our two adult children, or plotting my next Tex Mex meal.